Does generalization help in more efficient memorization?


Our brain consolidates some experiences more efficiently than the other experiences that occur at random. A memorable experience has more elements of predictability that aid generalization.

We have always wondered this at some point in our life why do we find it difficult to recollect the finer details and random things in our experiences? Like the color of your friend’s shirt matching with the color of your jeans the last time you met him but you could vividly remember many things like the taste of the coffee you had that day and the color of his new shoes.

Why is it that we find it difficult to remember arbitrary things that happen randomly but on the other we could easily remember things that seem to make sense like the taste of the coffee? This has to do with the fundamental mechanism that the brain relies on to store new information from our experiences as memories. The mechanism of why and how the brain prioritizes certain memories over others has been largely unknown until quite recently a significant part of the mystery seems to have been uncovered.

What is generalization?

Generalization is a process by which our brains find similarities or patterns in previously learned information on the experiences with the environment to predict new properties in the environment that were not seen before. This is the same process by which we can predict that a storm is brewing the moment we get a pungent aroma in a coastal area.

Brain regions responsible for memory storage

The hippocampus is a small region in the brain that stores episodic memory, that is the memory of different episodes of our life with varying emotional weight. So it acts like a notebook that records all our memories in chronological order like episodes in a major television series. Whereas the neocortex is the outermost surface of the brain with considerable thickness it is the most recently evolved part of the brain. The neocortex is the primary part of the brain that deals with logic, critical thinking, and cognition.

What is memory consolidation?

Memories are initially encoded in the hippocampus rapidly by various factors. But, storing memories in such a localized region may be prone to lesion formation or the rapid encoding of multiple memories can lead to the formation of false memories or could lead to a ‘distorted reality’. Hence our brain moves some memories to distribute to different regions in the neocortex. This process is called memory consolidation.

The research in memory studies done till now suggested that memories remain in the hippocampus for a short period until it is further consolidated into the neocortex. However, recent research suggests that some memories remain in the hippocampus and are never consolidated.

What’s new?

According to new research, a team of neuroscientists was trying to find out how system consolidation is affected by the ability of the brain to generalize or to find recognizable patterns useful for future prediction. To do this they created a set of artificial neural networks that mimics the parts of the brain that are responsible for memory retrieval and storage and mainly consolidation. These areas are most notably the hippocampus and the neocortex.

Artificial neural  networks

The neuroscientists built an artificial neural network similar to the one used in machine learning and artificial intelligence known as the teacher-notebook-student network. The teacher network is built with fixed and unchangeable ‘weights’ between the nodes. ‘Weights’ are the strengths of the connections between the nodes.

They used a student network that was of the same size as that of the teacher network to maximize learning but was built with learnable and variable weights between the nodes in contrast to the teacher. The student network learns these weights from the fixed number of input-output pairs that are generated by the teacher network. This is similar to how our brains understand the environment from the inputs-output generated by our environment. For example, when we are seeing a fish, we recognize it as a ‘fish’ by seeing its streamlined body, gill slits, and fins here the ‘fish’ is considered as the output, and the various features that help us recognize it are considered as the input. The ability of our brains to recognize a fish is what is considered complete learning in a neural network.

They built a notebook network that was directly to the student network just like how the hippocampus is finely interconnected with the neocortex. The notebook was a recurrent neural network whose main specificity is to directly encode the input-output data that is been fed to the student by the teacher. This is similar to how the hippocampus rapidly encodes our everyday events as episodic memory into its structure as soon as our neocortex (student) experiences them. So the artificial neural network that was used in this experiment was structurally similar to the brain areas that are responsible for memorization and learning.

The research

The neuroscientists modeled system consolidation in the artificial neural network by activating the notebook network repeatedly which further activated student neurons therefore facilitating student learning. This is similar to the consolidation of memories encoded in the hippocampus into the neocortex. In previous theories, all of the hippocampal memories are consolidated hence to test this theory the scientist optimized the notebook activation for maximum memorization.

They found that the consolidation to transfer all the hippocampal memories into the neocortex leads to bad generalization of the memories. They found that complete consolidation can take our ability to make meaningful predictions and the ability to make broad assumptions and statements. It also means losing our ability to react to changes that cannot be controlled by us or the changes of the immediate future.

But this does not seem to be happening in real life we can predict near future events to a reasonable degree of accuracy and we can assume certain things that could turn out to be fairly right. So they found the existing model to be inaccurate so they formed a new model where the consolidation of memories occurs only when it is useful for generalization.

According to this model, they found that the system consolidated most of the memories when the teacher provided inputs that were significantly predictable and followed a certain pattern that the student network was able to replicate the structure of the teacher network. When the teacher network was unpredictable with added noise then the student network couldn't completely consolidate the memories of the notebook because it would lead to internalization of the noise in the student network hence leading to bad generalization which may lead to improper prediction.


The research done above has given us the idea that memory consolidation from the hippocampus to the neocortex only facilitates generalization. When the memories as unpredictable elements such as the weather forecast of every day you may remember the weather column of the particular newspaper that you read every day. This is because the hippocampus ‘picks’ the predictable elements from the memories to consolidate into the neocortex making it easily accessible.

What remains inconclusive?

Although the research is experimentally verified with the artificial neural network the real mechanism in which the brain measures the predictability of various experiences is unknown. Research on biological subjects should give us an idea on this subject soon.

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